Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Avatar - Review

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thirst - Review

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Boondock Saints II: All Saint's Day - Review

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Land of the Lost - Review

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Short Comic Book Reviews: 11/25/09
- Green Lantern #48: It needs to be read before the latest Blackest Night. Despite the helpful yet very stupid warning (a "prelude to BN #6". Seriously, how did they miss that?), the issue was an enjoyable heated verbal and physical debate between the head Lanterns. Gets some bonus points for a Muppets reference. 4/5
- Blackest Night #5: After the disappointing last issue, this brings the gears forward again. A lot of cool moments build off each other in the end, dangerously close to being a spotfest. And, it has a fantastic twist and another ending twist to create a great cliffhanger. 4/5
- Image United #1: Dear Lord. I had some hope, but this was beyond terrible. Nothing happened. Terrible and awkward posing. A character is "severely" injured in battle yet does not appear at all in ANY frame since a group shot. Bad layout. No advancement at all. NO BUYS for later issues. 1/5
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Not Quite Hollywood: The Wild, Untold Story of Ozploitation! - Review

The Ugly Truth - Review

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
A Special Wrestling Video I Composed...
This is a match that has been causing a lot of commotion and laughs among puroresu fans and I decided to make a highlighted version.
After this, you will know that Kota Ibushi is one crazy man but is pure awesome.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Lego Rock Band - Review

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
Here's a good video for the occassion. One of the most frightening and disturbing shorts from Disney. And, funny too.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The World's Largest Shopping Mall
It is a short documentary on a nearly deserted mall in the middle of nowhere in China that has the distinction of being the biggest in the world.
The surreal shots of empty corridors and walking mascots with no one to greet truly make it worth to view.
Monday, October 19, 2009
My Life in Ruins - Review

I feel bad for anyone coming into this film expecting to see some Greek architecture lushly shown on film. I feel bad for anyone expecting Nia Vardalos in a good role and in better form. But this film will not get any sympathy from myself. This is a very vulgar, unfunny film masquerading as a light-hearted travel through Greece. According to the logic of this film's message, tour guides need to let tourists shop all the time and only entice them to the old history of Greece if it has something to do with sex.
I'm one of the few people who still openly admit to liking MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING. It was a fun film that accomplished its goals and was refreshing from Hollywood's usual rom-com trite. But Nia Vardalos has definitely changed in the years since that film, both in looks and her comedy. In MY LIFE IN RUINS, she uncreditedly writes herself as a beaten-down ring leader of the next wave of tourists into Greece. She is supposed to undergo a transformation, from a tight-ass (their words, mind you) into a free and happy independent woman. But there is no morphing; Vardalos hardly acts differently nor does she change her body language or wit to display. She's just smug throughout the film, and that's sad and annoying to watch.
Now, let's get to the "real" comedy of this film, the tourists themselves. There is a section where Vardalos reads off all of them into cliche categories as a joke but the film still keeps them in line with the cliches instead of exploring beyond them. You have the usual ugly Americans, a Spanish cougar pair, uptight British family, the elderly, and "Mr. Funny" as played by the once great Richard Dreyfuss. Get ready to hear their special shtick ad nauseaum because it never ends. One character introduces himself as a businessman to the IHOP chain. Guess what jokes you hear from him during the entire 95 runtime? But, the absolute worst characters in this film are the Australians. While the other tourists at least get some characterization to try to make them unique, the Australian couple do nothing but drink, drink, and made fun of for their lack of good English. Then, after their goofy moments are done they disappear to the back of the group never to be shown for awhile.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 - Review

The Beatles: Rock Band - Review

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The Simpsons is Dead
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Sin Nombre - Review

Thursday, October 1, 2009
Comic Book Reviews: "Blackest Night" is Still Awesome, Experiences with "After Watchmen,..."
- The Blackest Night event is reaching its midpoint, and it has been nothing but a great read. Aquaman is a lot cooler as a heel, The Green Lantern/Flash dialogue exchanges have some of the finest examples of characterization, and the pacing is just right.
- I'm a little annoyed that Tempest (aka Aqualad), a character I just started to like, was killed in issue #2. It's Namorita all over again.
- A Cry for Justice isn't carried in my local comic shop after the first one and that's a good thing. It has gotten more laughable and stupid.
- Gotham City Sirens sucks.
- Where's Black Hand?
- Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 may have entertained me, but it still can't draw me to Marvel's current comics with Dark Reign still going on.
Now for some reviews:
Green Lantern #46
The current warfare between all of the Lanterns has continued through this and the Green Lantern Corps line. With this issue, and the third issue of Blackest Night, a brief amnesty and combination of the feuding Lantern Corps is beginning to form up. And it gets off to a great start.
No. #46 is simply a thoroughly frame to frame entertaining joyride. The action continues advancing higher and higher as the stakes facing popular characters almost overwhelms them. The issue is practically action the entire time, which is good for fans. However, I did think that the signature fight between Sinestro and Mongul should may have been an entire issue to capture instead of the last third of the story. Oh well.
Definitely one of the best issues since #43.
Due to the popularity and semi-success of the Watchmen film, DC Comics knew that people would buy the trade paperbacks for it. As a way to hold on to these potential readers, the company has created the "After Watchmen,... What's Next?" line. They released reprintings of the first issue for many of their mature and more thinking-man series, ranging from Alan Moore's other works to Identity Crisis to 100 Bullets. And, they are only one dollar. Here is two of them:
Preacher #1
Are you serious?
This is the comic everyone loves? This is the comic that Wizard Magazine can't possibly stop talking about? It might just be this first issue and the story could get better, but Preacher #1 is an annoying overwrought pretentious comic.
There is some good ideas and situations; I enjoyed the scene where the Reverend spills the secrets of his immoral community in the local dive and a comical spot where a Mob boss seemingly forgets his bodyguard has his jaw shot off. Except for these two moments, the rest was a chore to get through. The dialogue is too contrived to believe or even to let it slide. The flashback structure doesn't make sense, since there are scenes where the main trio aren't in the area to recall it. Combined with the stupid character lines, it makes following this book even more harder.
Thankfully, I was able to read this so I didn't have to fork over more money for a paperback of it and be disappointed on a larger scale. Steven Dillon's artwork may be good, but Garth Ennis' terrible writing ruins any chance for myself to give this book any redemption.
Transmetropolitan #1
Here's a writer that lives up to the hype. Warren Ellis has been brought up a lot as one of the best writer of comic books and many have expressed their love for this comic. I first was a little cautious, but the controlled chaos of its main protagonist and his laughable disdain of futuristic city life made the comic a hard-biting and entertaining read.
Spyder Jerusalem is a fascinating character to follow as his extravagant rants and lifestyle would scare anyone but he retains a smart cynical look at how civilization and technology have gone farther off the deep end than him. His background as a controversial and popular journalist justifies the Gonzo-like approach of his lines and thoughts. Even if he didn't have this occupation, I would have still loved the writing as it creates great off-beat zingers ("My household appliance is on drugs") and accurately fits with the disgusting city life.
Its bizarre storytelling and protagonist might greatly turn off the normal reader, but Warren Ellis has created a very refreshing introduction to the series though it could have more advancement or conflict. Definitely check this out.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
District 9 - Review

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
WET - Review

Friday, September 18, 2009
Guitar Hero 5 - Review

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Ponyo - Review

Sunday, September 6, 2009
At The Movies, w/ Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott - Review

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Inglourious Basterds - Review

The film's biggest problem that has been addressed often is the purely bait-and-switch advertisements for it. The ads set it up as a violent action film like the KILL BILL films with a tongue ripping through the cheek. However, the actual film has a ton of scenes where the dialogue is the bullets being fired. Unfortunately, the lines are more like a chain gun and not a sniper rifle. In other words, there is so much talking that the suspense built for certain scenes is nearly or completely gone by the end. Tarantino's words may be great but it shouldn't have so much attention to itself to suspend the flow of the story. Also, the Basterds aren't really the main characters or given the full spotlight. A more accurate film title would be "Triumph of the Film."
The main story of the film involves a young Jewish woman (Melanie Laurent) on the run after her family has been killed while hiding in rural France from the Nazis. She barely escapes from the grasp of the infamous Colonel Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) who has been given the fortunate/unfortunate title of "The Jew Hunter." After a couple of years, the woman, revealed to be named Shosanna, is seen operating a film theater. She gains an annoying fan from a German soldier who later is shown to be a war hero. He has just finished a feature film of his exploits with Joseph Goebbels and wants to have the film premiere at her venue. With these recent developments, Shosanna decides to create an elaborate plan to take down the Nazi empire with the help of film.
The importance of film and entertainment during World War II has not been featured or discussed a lot in war films. Tarantino makes a great point with this inclusion, complete with giving the film-within-the-film a Eisenstein-esque style. The climax creates a truly shocking and very disturbing image as film is used a weapon to consume lives and transforms into a violent ghost of memory.
With just that idea, I should have adored this film but the rest of it doesn't work so well. The best example for its problems is the Basterds themselves. Tarantino doesn't give his usual rich characterization to the eight-man group, letting only a couple of them some back story. And when they do get it, these characters then are killed off in their next scenes. He simply tells us this group is vicious and hard to kill but skips over their year-long exploits to show them die horribly. I wished there was more time with them but since the writer/director doesn't want to, I also gave them a lack of attention. Other problems: The editing has a lot of jump cuts which works except for a major character's death and the weird footnotes and titles in the frames of the film turned me off.
The acting is obviously supposed to be over-the-top. While everyone does a fine job with their roles, the most noteworthy one is Christoph Waltz. After winning the Best Actor award at Cannes earlier, he has been the most talked about part of this film and it shows. He redefines the smiling Nazi role and makes Hans Landa appear to be the most sadistically happy of them all. In one such scene, where he sits next to a grown-up Shosanna in a restaurant, Waltz makes waiting for cream to be placed on a strudel to be very scary. Along with his constant switches between four different languages, Waltz has given one of the best of the year and deserves an Oscar nomination.
INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS wouldn't be Tarantino's most controversial film of all time but it will be his most controversial to discuss. Unfortunately, the specialness of Tarantino didn't work fully for me this time.
Monday, August 31, 2009
My Hatred with Stereos
I've been wanting to go to the drive-ins for the first time in awhile. At a local one, they are currently showing DISTRICT 9 and HALLOWEEN II on a double bill.
However, all of the portable stereos and boomboxes I have wouldn't work. Oh, they will work if plugged into an outlet. But to run on batteries, old or fresh, and it just sits there. I don't know why all of these devices became self-aware and why they can't give me a break. Also, I just threw out all of my cassette players. And I certainly do not want to spend $14 for a new one just for this event.
I hate advancements in technology sometimes. Play over a 1000 songs? Great. Play radio stations so I don't have to put a crappy speaker in my car and have mosquitos fly over me? No.
Friday, August 28, 2009
The Informers - Review

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Duplicity - Review

Thursday, August 20, 2009
Rifftrax LIVE / Fathom Event Review
This was certainly the highlight of my week.
The old MST3K, now Rifftrax crew of Mike Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett returned to the screen (a much bigger one) and gave a great performance and comedic night.
The show started off with a educational short, one of MST3K's favorite targets, about the "hard" work being a Flying Stewardess. Constant attacks on the city of Fort Worth were a treat, as was a smiling man towards the end that was partially a callback to the Johnny Longtorsos and Bob Evils of yester-years. A good start to the proceedings.
And then, the fun begins to fade. Before the main show, we were "treated" to two shorts done by the creator of Something, a chippy yet plain nerd singer, and a woman simply there for eye candy while trying to be part of the act.
But, it rises again. The selected film, Ed Wood's classic PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE, was certainly the best to do for the crowd. Both the taped audience and my own enjoyed some of lunacies of the film. The crew fired off jokes, ranging from old and new things of pop culture (a riff on the Dramatic Prairie Dog was a hit), to "state park" jokes, to sexual jokes. And there was a lot of the latter.
Favorite Riff of the Night: "And that's how you throw a curveball. This is Bela Lugosi, reporting for Sportscenter."
It was a treat for MST3K fans and normal viewers. Simply a great event.