Friday, July 31, 2009
Say It Ain't So, G.I. Joe?
The link above has an extended cut of the infamous chase scene that has been shown in all of the trailers for G.I. JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA. It's in French but a lengthly look at the film.
I'm a huge fan of the animated series. I don't have good expectations for the film, but I still have some optimism.
But after this, I don't what to think right now.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li - Review

- I don't know Chinese martial arts, but I don't think headscissors takedowns and hurricanranas are part of them. Also, most of the moves are obviously done with wires.
- McDonough is a great actor but is awful as Bison, the main villain of the Street Fighter franchise. Instead of evil incarnate, he gives him an all-over the place accent and makes him to be a sadistic businessman than a ruthless dictator to be.
- Bison buys up the slums of Bangkok and kicks everyone out of there. In later scenes, the people are back and never explained why.
- The recreation of Chun-Li's Spinning Bird Kick is laughable and not effective. Her kicks go nowhere near her opponents.
- Chun-Li and Gen (Robin Shou) are supposed to be true martial artists, and not use anger as a weapon. After this explanation, both of them kill people in very violent fashion for the sake of vengeance.
- Vega looks terrible and is defeated by Chun-Li in a pure squash match.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
The International - Review

Friday, July 17, 2009
Away We Go - Review

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Comic Book Reviews: "Blackest Night" Commences
My first impression of this highly anticipated event comic was mostly disappointment. But, upon repeated readings, the issue became more enjoyable and worth the hype. The disappointment may have to do with my expectations after Green Lantern #43, which was a great issue and a great prologue. I just didn't expect nor wanted another prologue to be lay down further foundation with this event.
Geoff Johns creates a well-structured script by having it begin with the study of human despair and relationships. It looks at how the superheroes and normal citizens are able to persevere over the death and destruction they live with. After a considerable focus on it, the tension of the Black Lanterns is introduced with the discovery of Bruce Wayne's grave being desecrated. What follows afterwards is left to be read.
The slow build of the script may have annoyed me at first but it's a good way to start rather than having a Michael Bay opening. The constant look at selected heroes' problems dealing with the deaths of fellow friends and colleagues makes them stand out and creates an expectation for the reader to see them continue. With this issue, I do want to look up the history of Damage and Atom Smasher and hope that Johns returns to them in the future. Though Hal Jordan is largely the main character, one of the surprise protagonists for this event is Barry Allen. Though I didn't like his return thanks to "Final Crisis", his struggle with the deaths of Firestorm and the Dibnys is effective.
While we get to see who becomes a Black Lantern, none of them stand out or given some spotlight except for a couple of them. Two special ones, who are revealed in the violent ending, are very frightening due to the great artwork. Black Hand sadly doesn't do too much except acting as an Emperor Palpatine-like figure.
The only strong negative for this comic is a moment before The Flash sees who had died after his own death. A new addition room underneath the Justice League building is revealed that had me say out loud, "Oh, come on!" It is such a dumb idea since it obviously will play into the plot later and is just stupid for the League to have.
With the slow burn plot and the gory coda, this issue really makes the event to be as great as everyone has expected it to be. Hopefully, the crew doesn't drop the momentum later on and keeps up the excitement.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Comic Book Reviews: The Night Goes Black, People Scream For JUSTICE!

This is probably one of the darkest single issues for a comic book series I have read. And it was great.
GREEN LANTERN #43 is a backstory for two separate plots. It shows the entire life of a former loser villain to the Green Lantern/future warmonger Black Hand and is one of the prologues of DC's new event "Blackest Night." With these two objectives, the issue has two narrators and it is handle well without confusing the reader. However, for the benefit, Black Hand is a very unreliable narrator; the flashbacks of his troubled upbringing don't match up with his reflections, causing him to be more deranged as the story continues. He also desires for his story to make himself sympathetic but the unrelenting violence and disturbing thoughts ruins his mission.
The issue entirely focuses on the element of death. Black Hand is shown to adore the aspects associated with it and literally hears the voice of Death as his savior. Black ink is used so frequently in the art, too much so for a color comic book. And then, there is the death montage. In the middle of his serenades in a cemetery, Black Hand mentions how he hears and sees the souls vanquished from the DC world and the reader sees all of the horrible deaths in multiple frames. This barrage brings true horror and despair to the comic book medium before the disturbing climax and ending.
This isn't an exploitation of violence like in many other comic books. The graphic violence is used to show how unhinged Black Hand is and his fascination with depravity and sadism. It makes him to be a great villain and makes the issue to be a fantastic start to "Blackest Night."
Green Lantern Corps #38

Another prelude to the "Blackest Night" event, GREEN LANTERN CORPS #38 didn't seem a must buy and read for me. But I balked and listened to the comic websites to get it before the first event comic is released next week.
Chaos and ruthlessness surrounds the Green Lantern Corps and the planet Oa after a prison breakout. All of the prisoners are now being given an execution order by the powers that be, a harsh and unfair order for the Corps. Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner then spend half of the issue trying to prevent the sentencing and beg for a return in the politics for the group.
While the issue is entertaining, the dialogue seems stilted in places and there is some dumb plot holes. Rayner shouts out how he believes in giving the prisoners a fair trial and preserving their lives. Then, a moment later after saving one of them, Rayner goes off on the prisoner saying that he is worthless. The Guardians also come off too much as generic corrupt leaders rather than their usual morally based characters. Of course, I haven't been following the recent stories so I might be wrong.
Justice League: Cry For Justice #1
Oh, how you will hear that being said too much and used very stupidly in this book.
JUSTICE LEAGUE: CRY FOR JUSTICE is a limited series being released and has some bad reputation preceding it due to constant delays. While I didn't hate it with a passion, it felt like I was ripped off considering it has higher price and a small plot line.
Green Lantern is sick and tired of the politics of the Justice League and wants JUSTICE! to be dealt. He leaves with best friend Green Arrow and has a pretty funny argument about their dramatic exit. Then the two Atoms beat up some guys before the Ray Palmer version expresses how he wants JUSTICE! Then one of the Starmans sees a dead boy, blows up a car and screams for JUSTICE! Then a golden-colored gorilla cries for his dead friends and shouts for JUSTICE!
That's it. That's the entire plot.
Sure, the dialogue is oddly entertaining and their is some funny lines and the art is good yet in a way Alex Ross-lite. However, the lack of advancement and the fact the team hasn't been made or entirely shown is very annoying. Also, having Hal Jordan a main character is problematic considering "Blackest Night" is about to start, so this story is either far behind and has to wait for the event to end to be canon.
Gotham City Sirens #1
This is simply fluff, pure and simple. GOTHAM CITY SIRENS preys on the fanboys of the Batman animated series to bring a mediocre comedic piece.
Catwoman is still suffering from having her heart ripped out(?!) and is significantly weaker than normal. Before being defeated by a new D-list criminal, Poison Ivy deus ex machinas and then brings her to the Riddler's apartment, where Ivy and Harley Quinn are crashing. Then after a lot of talking, a pointless Zatanna cameo, and more talking, they engage in a badly made battle with the criminal again.
The art is fine and the dialogue is okay but the direction of this comic is just badly done. It may have some promise later but this debut is just stuck in neutral.