The ugly truth about THE UGLY TRUTH is that it is really ugly. Yes, that maybe a very corny way to introduce this bomb of a film but it is the truth. Okay, no more stupid quips.
An awful attempt to rip off the success and elements from the Judd Apatow films, THE UGLY TRUTH strictly goes for being dirty at all times. The creators seemed to forget that the Apatow films mock the overthinking and attention of sex in gender politics while bringing in some innocence to the main characters. Well, it seems that Nicole Eastman, the screenwriter and a woman, felt that wasn't necessary and made an extreme mess of a script where women never change or learn anything and everyone seems to talk like juvenile children.
The plot is pure basic Hollywood rom-com: A local television producer (Katherine Heigl) supervises over a low-rated morning news show but has a bad romantic life. Her boss brings in a "controversy creates cash" persona (Gerard Butler) to spice up the shenanigans by bringing his show "The Ugly Truth." He shouts out sexual words and profanities on live television about the romantic relationships between sexes. Instead of being fired, like you know in reality, he brings the ratings but the ire of the producer. But, he then starts to coach her to court a newly arrived neighbor (Eric Winter) and the story follows the usual path.
I already said the script is a mess but there's such a huge palette of crap at my disposal. The film has a low number of supporting characters for a news comedy film and many of them simply disappear without a trace. Two writers/journalists that argue about celebrity news and environmentalism in the prologue never show up again after a later conference. Bulter has a nephew and a sister to help bring lame characterization to him but you hardly learn their names or anything in the three scenes they are in. Not even Heigl's assistant/best friend is given anything despite appearing often. This lack of attention to the supporting players is distressing considering Cheryl Hines, a very capable comedic actress, is in the cast and receives nothing and says nothing but vagina one-liners. Then there's the dialogue; Not one scene goes without something sexual just has to be said. The lines aren't funny or amusing in any way except that is supposed to be since it's coming from pretty people like Heigl. But it's not; the filmmakers are just being crass to be crass and have no substance to back it up.
Now, I have been a fan of Katherine Heigl. I even supported her when she blasted the writers of Grey's Anatomy. But around the time of promoting this film, she got more diva-like and attacked KNOCKED UP for being offensive. Other than having a tight pair of beer goggles around her eyes, Heigl also seems to not notice she isn't acting in this film. Sure, her character is offensively written with her refusal to let control being shared with the other partner and near-psychotic tendencies, but Heigl is just terrible in her delivery and body language. She makes her character suddenly go into random mood swings, her comedic timing is stilted, and she doesn't fullfill her part of the chemistry with Butler. This is best shown in the obvious sex scene between them. While Butler is sweating and out of breath during their talking break, Heigl has full makeup on, wearing small earrings, and doesn't look at all like she had a fun time on Space Mountain. (See, I can be crass too.)
I could continue but I'll end with the most talked-about scene and the most shameful thing from this pile of so-called adult humor. Everyone has attacked and pointed the stupid scene where Heigl wears vibrating panties to a corporate dinner and brings the remote for it for some strange reason. Instead of making a rant about ripping off WHEN HARRY MET SALLY..., which had a great script from a female writer, I'm looking at the moment before where she slips it on. I honestly felt dirty watching the film when it happened. It felt so exploitative, especially considering that the camera gazes at her dress opening so her breasts can be easily shown. And, because of this one moment, I hated this "movie" a hell of a lot more.