Sunday, May 16, 2021

2021 Eurovision Song Contest Predictions

It's really great to say this again: We are two days away from the start of the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest.

We've already had some bumps in the road, with more happening everyday (looking at you Poland), but fans across the globe are excited to have an actual contest this year. I'm sadly still unable to attend the show live for the first time due to the lingering COVID pandemic but I'm overjoyed that the show will mostly be done live and in person with some of the fans in the crowd.

Once again, I'm jotting down my predictions both for the two semis and the grand final. Here's what I think and believe about this year's entries, grouped together into special categories that seem fitting:


Other than the expected "Arcade" effect, last year we were expected to see the Billie Eilish effect at Eurovision. Bulgaria had that covered with Victoria and her song "Tears Getting Sober". Victoria returns again with "Growing Up Is Getting Old", a song she said she starting writing in 2019 but has now become of several Eurovision songs reflecting on last year's cancellation and the COVID crisis. The song has the same magical touch as "Tears" and coupled with the outstanding staging we're seeing from the rehearsals, I believe that it is finally time for Bulgaria to get this first win. Its biggest remaining hurdle is the pervading perception that the public want a "fun" winner this year after all that we collectively went through.

Italy has been hovering for a win the past three competitions, nearly nabbing it in 2019 with "Soldi". Instead of another soaring ballad like "Fai Rumore", the country is giving us Maneskin's "Zitti E Bouni". It has the flavor of 2000's rock, the first of two such throwbacks this year, but the high aggressive energy the band brings to it is highly effective. It could be another silver medal but I and many others can see it getting gold instead, especially with what they have in store for the final performance.

At no point, from its song drop to today, did I think Switzerland had a chance at winning. I'm still flabbergasted that some people think it should easily win. It took me a while to truly appreciate Gjon' Tears' "Repondez-Moi" but "Tout L'Univers" remains very forgettable to me. I had some promise for a potential change when I first saw the first set of rehearsals but the second rehearsals, where we get to see more fully his "interpretive dancing", sunk that opportunity. It seems I'm not the only one, as many have started to change their tune on Switzerland's odds.


France should be in the above category considering the amount of press praise it has been getting. Honestly though, like Switzerland, I think they are overrating it too much. I do like "Voila" but it being very, very French is a double edge sword. Plus it's way too serious and sad. The juries will eat it up but I expect the public vote to be shockingly low.

Oh, Malta. What do I now want you to fail? I like both Destiny and "Je Me Casse", even though the song keeps making hum Fifth Harmony's "Worth It" instead. While I first laughed off it's high chance to win this year, I'm now gobsmacked at what I feel is heavy blinders on the press. I saw a lot of critics praise the ever loving hell out of the first rehearsals, while I and much of the public were concerned and/or bashing some of the creative decisions. With the second rehearsals, the tide has turned a significant bit and the worrying has increased. I think it will squeak by into the grand final but a part of me can vividly see the press with open jaws at its non-qualification.

Some strange press pundits think Russia has a good chance at winning. That's pure bull. Although, I do see Manizha doing quite well with her creative performance of "Russian Woman". She has already got some fan backing after all of the stupid controversy she had to endure in her home nation. She will get even more global fans after Tuesday and, more than likely, Saturday.

Thank god Greece didn't give us another "Supergirl". "Last Dance" will be the best of the 80's revival songs this year and Stefania will certainly be striking with her purple outfit and dancing alongside her heavily special effected crew.

Similar to their experience with "Fuego" albeit to a small degree, Cyprus is riding on some high momentum with Elena Tsagrinou and "El Diablo". Still being decried as a Lady Gaga ripoff, Elena and her delegation are putting a lot of effort into their performance and hoping to steal votes away from the other female pop singers.

Time is starting to run out a little for Croatia. "Tick Tock" was a big fan favorite going into the contest but has lost some steam since rehearsals. I and many fans still have faith in it but it more than likely will suffer the same fate of Belarus 2019 if it passes its semi-final.

Also coming down the standings is San Marino. "Adrenalina" floored the internet when it dropped and Senhit has been winning a lot of the Eurovision fanbase over the past year with her antics. However, with surprise guest rapper Flo Rida more than likely not coming to Rotterdam, she has faltered with the general public. Senhit still has a chance making it through Semi Final 2 but the reputation of her lowly country could be her undoing.

Putting Azerbaijan here is a bit of a joke as Efendi's "Mata Hari" doesn't slay like "Cleopatra". However, even though I am concerned about her getting swallowed up by the stage, I think Efendi and her risque dancers will do well and make enough of a statement to get into the grand final.


Expected to win last year before the cancellation, Iceland will more than likely not be able to do it this year. "10 Years" is a great song from Daoi Freyr and his group Gagnamagnio but it is so not "Think About Things". However, the expected goofy and colorful performance will cause it to safely secure a spot in the top ten at least.

Lithuania also had a chance to win last year but they are almost the opposite of Iceland this time around. "Discotheque" blows "On Fire" out of the water and The Roop are far more confident in their presentation. Crossing my fingers it will be higher up the top ten and potentially become the country's best result ever.

Ukraine returns to the stage after their controversial exit from 2019 and could potentially shake up the lower half of the top ten with Go_A and their electro-folk bop "Shum". The crazy factor is high, with their expected performance to include CGI shimmering people running, a snow white forest platform, and Tron-like power discs.


It's nice to place The United Kingdom higher up on this category than usual. "Embers" is a great pop song that you could viably hear playing on your radio today and it always gets my toes tapping. Unfortunately, the rehearsal footage has me considered, especially with the potentially useless giant trumpets.

The Netherlands obviously don't want to host the contest again, even with the cancellation. That being said, "Birth Of A New Age" is a pretty fantastic host country song, one of the best lately.

Portugal shocked everyone by picking an all English song for the first time ever. I believe they will continue to shock the world by easily making it in. Though a little sleepy at first, "Love Is On My Side" grabs your attention and crescendos at the end. I had faith in it before the rehearsals started and I've already cashed out massively on that bet. Critics gave it a pass to the final, even while still grumbling about "Telemoveis" bombing in 2019.

I might be crazy but like Portugal I think Spain will be doing better than expected. I getting the same kind of vibes as Italy 2013. Blas Canto has a better song than last year's attempt and the stage performance looks to do wonders for it.

Good ole Albania giving us another bombastic Balkan ballad. Anxhela Peristeri will do enough with "Karma" to get the country middle of the pack at the grand final.

I'm still not happy with Keiino losing out on representing them but Norway at least has some quality with their preferred performer. Tix looks like that YouTuber you hate but he does charisma and some decent singing chops. He's also an all-around very nice guy in general. I think my main problem with him and his song "Fallen Angel" is that it's too basic of an Eurovision entry. There's nothing that really elevates it a lot in my opinion and I think much of the public will think so too come Saturday.

I can't help but love Finland this year. Though the song is bit eye-rolling, I can't fully scrub my adoration for nu-metal out of my life. Plus, Blind Channel go full bore with it and like a good rock band want the crowd to go crazy with them.

Ireland is one of this year's biggest "on the fence" acts. "Maps" is a strong song for the country but Lesley Roy really needs to give it all in order to pass, something she hasn't quite shown in the rehearsals. The country is going all out in the performance aspect with special effects and unique camerawork, something that has easily helped save lesser acts, but whether it will be a Russia 2016 or Iceland 2016 remains to be seen come the top ten announcements on Tuesday.

Though it should be something up my alley, I wasn't a fan of Serbia last year or even this year. Hurricane has the fire with "Loco Loco" but having just the trio on the vast stage is bringing bad Moje 3 vibes.

Oh how I greatly hope to see Latvia and Samantha Tina get through to the final. The rehearsals improved over time and Tina is still an amazing presence. She just needs to succeed with the rest of her strong block in Semi Final 2.

I don't feel hate or sorry for Germany. They purposefully picked a kooky performer to perform a kooky song and match it with a kooky stage performance. It will draw some eyes and voters to keep it from the absolute bottom but not enough past #20.

It's not fun for me to have Sweden this low. "Voices" certainly wasn't my pick from Melodifestivalen but I understand its draw and Tusse is a nice guy. But the song is very much in the vein of The Weeknd and the real lyrics of "a million voices" will piss off the Eurovision crowd. Plus, the rehearsals show that Tusse is now sporting a Mortal Kombat gi and can only do the Rykee dance of rapid squatting and holding in his pee. There is a part of me that really believes we will see the second ever time Sweden fails to qualify on Tuesday. Of course, that is only if the juries don't save it and then proceed to carry it chiefly in the grand final.


Let's get the most painful out of the way first: Australia. Montaigne and her crew put a lot into the song and the overall package for "Technicolor" but I think her not performing live in Rotterdam (due to COVID and travel issues) will severely hurt her chances. A lot of the press think otherwise but I really do see the voting public not to be there for her because of this issue.

Also painful for me is the high chance of Czech Republic not making through. I'm really behind Benny Cristo and see him being a great star, even after all of those pointless revamps of his 2019 entry "Kemama". "Omaga" is another bop from him but the rehearsals have been very poor and caused many to scratch him.

Removing all of what's currently going on with the country in the news, Israel could be left behind by the public. Eden Alene has the star power and the chops to hit that whistle note but with so many other female pop singers in the competition, especially in her semi final, she might not make it through.

While I still roll my eyes at Estonia and their sheer insistence on Uku Suviste, I will say that I do enjoy "The Lucky One", especially when the Michael McDonald-like backup singer goes "Better off alone!" But the national final performance wasn't a game-changer and the rehearsals at Rotterdam show no improvement. As many have said, maybe Uku should use that crystal ball to show him what the future lies and quickly change up things before it's too late.

I'm still not a big fan of Vincent Bueno but he is giving it all to see Austria qualify this year with "Amen". But the song isn't that good enough, even with some pizzazz going into the performance.

Making it two for two with "Amen" songs, Slovenia doesn't look to get off the blocks. Ana Soklic is in the dreaded 2nd performance position in the first semi final and her amazing voice is sure to be overshadowed by better acts.

When you fail at making something truly memorable, don't give critics an easy layup with a bad title. Romania did just that with "Amnesia", Roxen's not-so-hot follow-up to "Alcohol You". The song is a bit of a wash but it is the rehearsals that greatly show that this will not stick with voters.


Georgia. "You" is absolutely dreadful and ponderous. The performance looks terrible. Moving on.

Poland had no chance with "The Ride", even with its 80's inspired aesthetic. Rafal is a very dull singer and all of his live performance videos have received significant downvotes. The rehearsal videos have shown that the country can't make a good performance out of it either. Then to top it all off, he also will not perform live because someone from his delegation has now tested positive for COVID.

While it's nice to have a Danish song from Denmark, that doesn't change the fact that "Ove Os Pa Hinanden" is a laughably bad song. Somebody brought up ABC's "The Look of Love" when comparing with it and I briefly changed my tune for a second until I remembered that that song is a masterpiece and this is a crappy ripoff of 80's schlager. Even if you have a soft spot for it or see it as a guilty pleasure, the performance looks to be a disaster. I can't believe the show producers are letting this go last in the second semi final.

Vasil has a great voice but he can't save North Macedonia this time around with "Here I Stand". And that obvious artistic swipe from Dotter's "Bulletproof" performance has many booing him already.

Though we have several sad, serious and somber songs, Belgium takes the cake. "The Wrong Place" is a polished yet boring coffee shop song and Hooverphonic come off as way too pretentious, especially with their dark and gritty performance. What is with this country and this horrible musical trend?

My poor Moldova fell off a cliff once it became clear that the dancing ice cream cones from the music video of "Sugar" weren't coming to Rotterdam. Coupled with the pathetic staging and you have an easy non-qualifier.

For those who just want the Cliff Notes version, here's what I have as my predictions for qualifying in the two semi-finals.

Semi Final 1


Potential Stealer: Australia, Israel
Potenial Non-Qualifier: Ireland, Malta, Sweden

Semi Final 2

San Marino

Potential Stealer: Austria, Estonia
Potenial Non-Qualifier: Latvia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland

Here are my top ten favorite songs from this year's contest in alphabetical order:

Czech Republic
United Kingdom

And I again asked my non-fan father to watch/listen to the official recap video of all 39 songs and come up with his own top five:

1. Iceland
2. Germany
3. Slovenia
4. North Macedonia
5. Portugal

The semi finals will take place on May 18 and 20, both starting at 3 PM EST. The grand final is on Saturday May 22. You will need to check Twitter for updates or watch it live via other countries' streams.

Friday, May 7, 2021

NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC - All Team Rosters and Players

I'm not going to regale you with my memories of NBA Showtime: NBA on NBC because I had none. I saw its promotion ads a lot in video game magazines but never wanted to buy or rent it. The arcade cabinet for it was a rare beast, with my only sighting of it being at my city's sports arena. My love for arcade basketball games at the time pretty much ended with Hangtime; things would slightly turn around two years later with the release of NBA Street.

Instead of continuing the tradition of 2D sprites, Midway had NBA Showtime adopt the 3D technology that they created and used for their NFL Blitz series. The team no longer had to hand draw the players' heads anymore because of the advancements in face-mapping. They could now have accurate player likenesses albeit ones on awkward 3D models. Even with the change in graphics, the Jam gameplay remained largely the same.

The only new notable inclusion to the gameplay is the additional of fouls. Pushing your opponent still allow you the opportunity to take the ball but now it also caused you to earn a foul. If you earn too many in a quarter, your opponent heads to the free throw line to play a timed button press mini-game and a chance at extra points.

As evident in the title, the game not only has the license of the NBA but also NBC, allowing it to feature probably the most iconic basketball tune, John Tesh's "Roundball Rock".

NBA Showtime was released in arcades in January 1999. After some revisions, the arcade game and was bundled with NFL Blitz 2000 in a single cabinet as part of Midway's ambitious and unprecedented Midway SportStation line. The game was ported to the Playstation, Nintendo 64 and Sega Dreamcast, all of which were released on November 16, 1999. A port to the Game Boy Color was released in the first months of 2000. To end with a big bang, Midway again broke their tradition by releasing the final update of Showtime, dubbed the "Gold Edition", to arcades in February/March 2000. This update was also bundled with NFL Blitz 2000 Gold for the second iteration of the Midway SportStation.

Finding information on the arcade release proved to be a bit tough. It's practically impossible to locate any footage or exact details of Version 1.0. Wherever you look, you see the same fun fact about it, that Dennis Rodman is on the Lakers and you could change his hair color. I couldn't prove this being a real thing because Version 1.0 doesn't seem to exist anymore. The only arcade versions that can be emulated or are still programmed in cabinets floating in the wild are Version 2.0, Version 2.1 (The SportStation update), and Version 3.0 (Gold Edition).

The cover of the console ports prominently and purposefully features a certain athlete. After many licensing issues throughout the series, Shaquille O'Neal is finally back and playable again. A big upgrade from Hangtime's cover star, an ugly caricature of Not Patrick Ewing. Unfortunately, this ended up being a foreboding sign: Midway would eventually run themselves out of business largely due to them spending more money on marketing, big promotional stars and important licenses than the actual games themselves.

Also making his return to the series, but buried away, is Charles Barkley. Too bad his reappearance coincided with the twilight years of his career.

Before I get into more about the rosters and players, it's finally time to talk about a certain something. I've been hinting at it in the previous articles but we finally reach one of the most bizarre issues with this series: the pointless reordering of the players. The PSX, N64 and Dreamcast have near exact team rosters yet they scramble the player order between the console generations for no exact reason. Hell, the PSX and N64 are identical except for the ordering of the Los Angeles Clippers. Then you get to the Gold Edition where the rosters are reconfigured again, with some teams being listed alphabetical by the player's last name while others forgo it.

The initial arcade versions featured rosters from the 1998-99 season. The console ports and the Gold Edition had updated rosters matching the 1999-2000 season. The Gold Edition makes this even more clear, advertising its roster update as being accurate "As of 2/10/2000" on the demo screen.

The PSX/N64 ports receive one home console exclusive player: Lamar Odom for the Los Angeles Clippers. The Dreamcast, however, trumps them with two home console exclusive players: Paul Pierce for the Boston Celtics and Joe Dumars for the Detroit Pistons. However, none of the home consoles truly have console exclusive players because both Odom and Pierce are playable in the Game Boy Color version (Joe Dumars is also playable in the original arcade release).

In fact, the Game Boy Color version is the only port to truly have exclusive players, that being Eric Piatkowski for the Clippers and Rodrick Rhodes for the Orlando Magic. Oh wow, what heavy hitters that system got. Seriously, Piatkowski was (debatably) just a body for the Clippers. Meanwhile, Rhodes didn't even play for the Magic; he was traded to them on 8/23/1999 and was waived on 10/4/1999. So much for the GBC credits screen saying that "All teams are accurate as of 10/29/99".

Johnny Newman gets the "nobody's favorite" award for this game. He goes from the Cavs in the arcade version, to the Clippers in the PSX/N64/Dreamcast versions, to the Nets in the GBC and Arcade Gold Edition versions.

Now onto the teams. To reiterate, I have listed all of the NBA teams that are in the game by their team name, rather than by their city or by what conference they are in. I then list the players in the order that they are sorted in the game, much to my chagrin this time around.

Special thanks to the Retro Sports Gamer and Jet Set Willy on YouTube for providing valid info and footage for this game.


Allen Iverson
Theo Ratliff
Aaron McKie
Matt Geiger
Tyrone Hill

Allen Iverson
Theo Ratliff
Aaron McKie
Matt Geiger
Tyrone Hill
Billy Owens

Billy Owens
Allen Iverson
Theo Ratliff
Aaron McKie
Matt Geiger
Tyrone Hill

Game Boy Color
Theo Ratliff
Allen Iverson
Billy Owens
Tyrone Hill
Matt Geiger
Aaron McKie

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Matt Geiger
Allen Iverson
Tyrone Hill
Theo Ratliff
George Lynch


Glenn Robinson
Ray Allen
Ervin Johnson
Sam Cassell
Chris Gatling
Tim Thomas
Dell Curry

Glenn Robinson
Ray Allen
Ervin Johnson
Sam Cassell
Tim Thomas
Danny Manning
Dale Ellis

Danny Manning
Dale Ellis
Glenn Robinson
Ray Allen
Ervin Johnson
Sam Cassell
Tim Thomas

Game Boy Color
Ray Allen
Glenn Robinson
Dale Ellis
Danny Manning
Tim Thomas
Sam Cassell
Ervin Johnson

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Ray Allen
Sam Cassell
Dale Ellis
Danny Manning
Glenn Robinson
Ervin Johnson


Toni Kukoc
Ron Harper
Brent Barry
Andrew Lang
Kornel David

Toni Kukoc
Ron Harper
Andrew Lang
Kornel David
B.J. Armstrong
Will Perdue

Will Perdue
B.J. Armstrong
Toni Kukoc
Ron Harper
Andrew Lang
Kornel David

Game Boy Color
Kornel David
Toni Kukoc
Will Perdue
B.J. Armstrong

Arcade (Gold Edition)
B.J. Armstrong
Ron Artest
Elton Brand
Toni Kukoc
Kornel David
Will Perdue
Fred Hoiberg


Shawn Kemp
Brevin Knight
Bob Sura
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Wesley Person
Johnny Newman

Shawn Kemp
Brevin Knight
Bob Sura
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Wesley Person
Lamond Murray

Lamond Murray
Shawn Kemp
Brevin Knight
Bob Sura
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Wesley Person

Game Boy Color
Brevin Knight
Shawn Kemp
Lamond Murray
Wesley Person
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Bob Sura

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Zydrunas Ilgauskas
Shawn Kemp
Brevin Knight
Wesley Person
Bob Sura


Kenny Anderson
Antoine Walker
Ron Mercer
Dana Barros
Tony Battie
Paul Pierce

Kenny Anderson
Antoine Walker
Dana Barros
Tony Battie
Danny Fortson
Calbert Cheaney

Danny Fortson
Calbert Cheaney
Kenny Anderson
Antoine Walker
Dana Barros
Tony Battie
Paul Pierce

Game Boy Color
Antoine Walker
Kenny Anderson
Paul Pierce
Calbert Cheaney
Danny Fortson
Tony Battie
Dana Barros

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Kenny Anderson
Dana Barros
Tony Battie
Calbert Cheaney
Antoine Walker
Paul Pierce


Maurice Taylor
Darrick Martin
Stojko Vrankovic
Lamond Murray
Rodney Rogers

Maurice Taylor
Lamar Odom
Stojko Vrankovic
Johnny Newman

Maurice Taylor
Stojko Vrankovic
Johnny Newman
Lamar Odom

Johnny Newman
Maurice Taylor
Stojko Vrankovic

Game Boy Color
Lamar Odom
Maurice Taylor
Michael Olowokandi
Eric Piatkowski

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Lamar Odom
Brian Skinner
Derek Anderson
Maurice Taylor
Michael Olowokandi


Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Bryant Reeves
Tony Massenburg
Cherokee Parks
Doug West
Mike Bibby

Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Bryant Reeves
Cherokee Parks
Doug West
Mike Bibby

Game Boy Color
Bryant Reeves
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Mike Bibby
Doug West
Cherokee Parks

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Mike Bibby
Othella Harrington
Bryant Reeves
Cherokee Parks
Dennis Scott


Steve Smith
Mookie Blaylock
Dikembe Mutombo
Alan Henderson
LaPhonso Ellis

Dikembe Mutombo
Alan Henderson
LaPhonso Ellis
Bimbo Coles
Isaiah Rider
Jim Jackson

Bimbo Coles
Isaiah Rider
Jim Jackson
Dikembe Mutombo
Alan Henderson
LaPhonso Ellis

Game Boy Color
Alan Henderson
Dikembe Mutombo
Jim Jackson
Isaiah Rider
Bimbo Coles
LaPhonso Ellis

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Bimbo Coles
LaPhonso Ellis
Alan Henderson
Jim Jackson
Dikembe Mutombo
Isaiah Rider


Tim Hardaway
Alonzo Mourning
Voshon Lenard
Terry Porter
P.J. Brown

Tim Hardaway
Alonzo Mourning
Voshon Lenard
P.J. Brown

Game Boy Color
Alonzo Mourning
Tim Hardaway
P.J. Brown
Voshon Lenard

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Tim Hardaway
Alonzo Mourning
Voshon Lenard
Jamal Mashburn
P.J. Brown


Eddie Jones
Anthony Mason
Bobby Phills
Derrick Coleman
Elden Campbell

Game Boy Color
Anthony Mason
Eddie Jones
Elden Campbell
Derrick Coleman
Bobby Phills

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Elden Campbell
Derrick Coleman
Anthony Mason
Eddie Jones
David Wesley


John Stockton
Karl Malone
Greg Ostertag
Jeff Hornacek
Bryon Russell

Game Boy Color
Karl Malone
John Stockton
Bryon Russell
Jeff Hornacek
Greg Ostertag

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Jeff Hornacek
Karl Malone
Greg Ostertag
Bryon Russell
John Stockton


Chris Webber
Jason Williams
Corliss Williamson
Vlade Divac
Lawrence Funderburke

Chris Webber
Jason Williams
Corliss Williamson
Vlade Divac
Lawrence Funderburke
Darrick Martin
Nick Anderson

Darrick Martin
Nick Anderson
Chris Webber
Jason Williams
Corliss Williamson
Vlade Divac
Lawrence Funderburke

Game Boy Color
Jason Williams
Chris Webber
Nick Anderson
Darrick Martin
Lawrence Funderburke
Vlade Divac
Corliss Williamson

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Nick Anderson
Vlade Divac
Jason Williams
Chris Webber
Corliss Williamson
Lawrence Funderburke


Patrick Ewing
Allan Houston
Latrell Sprewell
Larry Johnson
Charlie Ward
Marcus Camby

Game Boy Color
Allan Houston
Patrick Ewing
Andrew Lang
Marcus Camby
Charlie Ward
Larry Johnson
Latrell Sprewell

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Marcus Camby
Patrick Ewing
Allan Houston
Larry Johnson
Latrell Sprewell
Charlie Ward


Shaquille O’Neal
Glen Rice
Kobe Bryant
Rick Fox
Travis Knight

Shaquille O’Neal
Glen Rice
Kobe Bryant
Rick Fox
Travis Knight
A.C. Green

A.C. Green
Shaquille O’Neal
Glen Rice
Kobe Bryant
Rick Fox
Travis Knight

Game Boy Color
Glen Rice
Shaquille O’Neal
Ron Harper
A.C. Green
Travis Knight
Rick Fox
Kobe Bryant

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Kobe Bryant
A.C. Green
Ron Harper
Rick Fox
Shaquille O’Neal
Glen Rice
Travis Knight


Penny Hardaway
Nick Anderson
Horace Grant
Bo Outlaw
Danny Schayes
B.J. Armstrong
Darrell Armstrong

Bo Outlaw
Danny Schayes
Darrell Armstrong
Chris Gatling

Chris Gatling
Bo Outlaw
Danny Schayes
Darrell Armstrong

Game Boy Color
Rodrick Rhodes
Bo Outlaw
Chris Gatling
Darrell Armstrong

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Bo Outlaw
Darrell Armstrong
Ron Mercer
Chauncey Billups
Pat Garrity


Michael Finley
Cedric Ceballos
A.C. Green
Shawn Bradley
Steve Nash

Michael Finley
Cedric Ceballos
Shawn Bradley
Steve Nash

Game Boy Color
Cedric Ceballos
Michael Finley
Steve Nash
Shawn Bradley

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Shawn Bradley
Cedric Ceballos
Michael Finley
Steve Nash
Robert Pack
Dennis Rodman


Stephon Marbury
Keith Van Horn
Jayson Williams
Kendall Gill

Game Boy Color
Keith Van Horn
Stephon Marbury
Johnny Newman
Kendall Gill
Jayson Williams

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Kendall Gill
Kerry Kittles
Stephon Marbury
Keith Van Horn
Jayson Williams
Johnny Newman


Antonio McDyess
Nick Van Exel
Bryant Stith
Chauncey Billups
Danny Fortson

Antonio McDyess
Nick Van Exel
Bryant Stith
Chauncey Billups
Ron Mercer

Ron Mercer
Antonio McDyess
Nick Van Exel
Bryant Stith
Chauncey Billups

Game Boy Color
Nick Van Exel
Antonio McDyess
Ron Mercer
Chauncey Billups
Bryant Stith

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Tariq Abdul-Wahad
Chris Gatling
Nick Van Exel
Antonio McDyess
Raef LaFrentz 


Reggie Miller
Dale Davis
Jalen Rose
Sam Perkins
Mark Jackson
Chris Mullin

Game Boy Color
Dale Davis
Reggie Miller
Chris Mullin
Mark Jackson
Sam Perkins
Jalen Rose

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Dale Davis
Mark Jackson
Reggie Miller
Jalen Rose
Chris Mullin
Sam Perkins


Grant Hill
Lindsey Hunter
Christian Laettner
Bison Dele
Jerry Stackhouse
Joe Dumars

Grant Hill
Lindsey Hunter
Christian Laettner
Bison Dele
Jerry Stackhouse

Grant Hill
Lindsey Hunter
Christian Laettner
Bison Dele
Jerry Stackhouse
Joe Dumars

Game Boy Color
Lindsey Hunter
Grant Hill
Jerry Stackhouse
Christian Laettner

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Grant Hill
Lindsey Hunter
Christian Laettner
Jerry Stackhouse
Jerome Williams


Vince Carter
Charles Oakley
Doug Christie
Tracy McGrady
Kevin Willis
Dee Brown

Vince Carter
Charles Oakley
Doug Christie
Tracy McGrady
Kevin Willis
Dee Brown
Dell Curry

Dell Curry
Vince Carter
Charles Oakley
Doug Christie
Tracy McGrady
Kevin Willis
Dee Brown

Game Boy Color
Charles Oakley
Vince Carter
Muggsy Bogues
Dell Curry
Dee Brown
Kevin Willis
Tracy McGrady
Doug Christie

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Muggsy Bogues
Dee Brown
Vince Carter
Doug Christie
Tracy McGrady
Charles Oakley


Scottie Pippen
Charles Barkley
Hakeem Olajuwon
Eddie Johnson
Matt Maloney

Scottie Pippen
Charles Barkley
Hakeem Olajuwon
Eddie Johnson
Matt Maloney
Tony Massenburg

Tony Massenburg
Scottie Pippen
Charles Barkley
Hakeem Olajuwon
Eddie Johnson
Matt Maloney

Game Boy Color
Charles Barkley
Walt Williams
Tony Massenburg
Matt Maloney
Hakeem Olajuwon

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Charles Barkley
Hakeem Olajuwon
Walt Williams
Steve Francis
Cuttino Mobley


David Robinson
Sean Elliott
Tim Duncan
Will Perdue
Steve Kerr
Avery Johnson

David Robinson
Sean Elliott
Tim Duncan
Steve Kerr
Avery Johnson
Terry Porter

Terry Porter
David Robinson
Sean Elliott
Tim Duncan
Steve Kerr
Avery Johnson

Game Boy Color
Sean Elliott
David Robinson
Terry Porter
Avery Johnson
Steve Kerr
Tim Duncan

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Tim Duncan
Sean Elliott
Avery Johnson
Steve Kerr
Terry Porter
David Robinson


Jason Kidd
Tom Gugliotta
Rex Chapman
Danny Manning
Luc Longley

Jason Kidd
Tom Gugliotta
Rex Chapman
Luc Longley
Rodney Rogers
Penny Hardaway

Rodney Rogers
Penny Hardaway
Jason Kidd
Tom Gugliotta
Rex Chapman
Luc Longley

Game Boy Color
Tom Gugliotta
Jason Kidd
Penny Hardaway
Rodney Rogers
Luc Longley
Rex Chapman

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Rex Chapman
Tom Gugliotta
Penny Hardaway
Jason Kidd
Luc Longley


Gary Payton
Vin Baker
Detlef Schrempf
Dale Ellis
Billy Owens

Gary Payton
Vin Baker
Horace Grant
Brent Barry

Horace Grant
Brent Barry
Gary Payton
Vin Baker

Game Boy Color
Vin Baker
Gary Payton
Brent Barry
Horace Grant

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Vin Baker
Brent Barry
Horace Grant
Gary Payton
Vernon Maxwell


Kevin Garnett
Terrell Brandon
Dean Garrett
Joe Smith
Bobby Jackson
Malik Sealy

Game Boy Color
Terrell Brandon
Kevin Garnett
Danny Schayes
Malik Sealy
Bobby Jackson
Joe Smith
Dean Garrett

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Terrell Brandon
Kevin Garnett
Malik Sealy
Joe Smith
Wally Szczerbiak

Trail Blazers

Damon Stoudamire
Rasheed Wallace
Arvydas Sabonis
Isaiah Rider
Jim Jackson
Walt Williams

Damon Stoudamire
Rasheed Wallace
Arvydas Sabonis
Walt Williams
Steve Smith
Detlef Schrempf

Detlef Schrempf
Steve Smith
Damon Stoudamire
Rasheed Wallace
Arvydas Sabonis
Walt Williams

Game Boy Color
Rasheed Wallace
Damon Stoudamire
Detlef Schrempf
Steve Smith
Scottie Pippen
Arvydas Sabonis

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Scottie Pippen
Brian Grant
Steve Smith
Damon Stoudamire
Rasheed Wallace
Arvydas Sabonis
Detlef Schrempf


John Starks
Donyell Marshall
Erick Dampier
Bimbo Coles
Muggsy Bogues

John Starks
Donyell Marshall
Erick Dampier
Muggsy Bogues
Mookie Blaylock

Mookie Blaylock
John Starks
Donyell Marshall
Erick Dampier
Muggsy Bogues

Game Boy Color
Donyell Marshall
John Starks
Mookie Blaylock
Erick Dampier

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Mookie Blaylock
Donyell Marshall
John Starks
Chris Mills
Antawn Jamison


Juwan Howard
Rod Strickland
Calbert Cheaney
Mitch Richmond
Tracy Murray

Juwan Howard
Rod Strickland
Mitch Richmond
Tracy Murray

Game Boy Color
Rod Strickland
Juwan Howard
Tracy Murray
Mitch Richmond

Arcade (Gold Edition)
Juwan Howard
Tracy Murray
Mitch Richmond
Rod Strickland

Thursday, May 6, 2021

NBA Hangtime - All Team Rosters and Players

I wouldn't say exactly that NBA Hangtime is an divisive entry in the NBA Jam series but it's a bit of a strange game at least for myself. I was very hyped for the game, staring at it in the preview section of video game magazines and being galvanized by its new features and updated graphics. I don't remember ever seeing it in any of my local arcades so I had to settle with a home port. At the time I still only had a Genesis and was eager to play the game once it came out. Unfortunately, I was very disappointed by the port. Purchasing the official strategy guide by Brady Games and seeing all of the notable NBA players that weren't included in my version added to the frustration. The game ultimately was a sour endnote to what I then thought was the NBA Jam trilogy.

However, if you look up this game online you will see a lot of people who cherished this game very dearly. Of course nearly all of them are chiefly talking about the ports released for the fifth generation of consoles. I eventually bought a Nintendo 64, the first console I paid for with my own money, but even though I spent countless hours playing it, especially when it came to multiplayer, I never thought about playing or renting NBA Hangtime.

Now that I got my sour grapes backstory out of the way, let's talk about the game itself, starting off with the elephant in the room: the controversy over the name. Strap yourself in because it's a bit of a doozy and we have to address it before moving forward. First and foremost, the name NBA Jam is technically owned by the NBA. Midway created the series and Acclaim popularized it even more with the home ports but both of them needed a license from the NBA in order to use the name.

Some time after the release of NBA Jam TE, the NBA's licensing director of the electronic toys and games department asked Midway about their future plans with the series. According to Midway's side of the story, they apparently responded by saying that they wanted to do something "new" and "innovative". This loose language of their future plans allowed the director to legally go to Acclaim, who they had previously worked at, and quickly ask them. The company was committed to continue the franchise and thus Acclaim acquired the NBA Jam name, much to the shock and horror of the Midway staff.

As for the director's side of the story, Midway's own licensing group explicitly told them that they weren't going to continue the franchise. The company raised no complaints when Acclaim was set to acquire the license and only did so when it was too late. Because of this deception/management failure, Midway had to strike a separate licensing deal with NBA and call their new game NBA Hangtime.

All of that information comes from NBA Jam by Reyan Ali, published by Boss Fight Books. It's an absolutely great nonfiction novel about the history of Midway and the making of the original game and subsequent sequels.

Even with a different moniker, Hangtime retains the same core gameplay of the NBA Jam series. The new additions it brought to the court literally include the ability to do spin moves, double slam dunks, and something that was long requested, ally oops. The presentation was much improved, the soundtrack was revamped and you could play on alternate courts via secret codes.

Another long requested feature made it's way to this entry: "Create a Player". This was very groundbreaking at the time for an arcade game to have. By spending a separate amount of money from the initial "coin in", you could create your own basketball player and save it to the cabinet. You could edit the player as you saw fit, from their name, to their head design (from famous players to women to monsters), to their stats. You had to be quick about it though because you only had about two minutes with the feature.

After every completed match, the player is given a random trivia question. For the arcade version, correctly answering them allowed the player to qualify for a contest and potentially win some prizes. However, to further help the replay value of the console versions, this was changed so that correctly answering them would allow you to earn more edit points to add to the stats of your created character.

NBA Hangtime hit arcades on April 16, 1996. The Genesis and Super Nintendo received the first set of home ports at the end of the year. Around this same time, Midway changed up their strategy, releasing an updated arcade version called NBA Maximum Hangtime. On January 17, 1997, the second and last set of ports came to the Playstation and Nintendo 64. There is also a PC port but like with the previous game, it is hard to find info on it.

With Acclaim gone, the home ports had to be handled by different teams. While Midway themselves handled the Playstation and Nintendo 64 ports, the Genesis and SNES ports were done by Funcom. Though playable, these earlier ports are noticeable dark and muddy, suffer from poor music and don't have the same fun and energy as the arcade or later ports. Hence my issues as a kid with the game.

The arcade version featured rosters from the 1995-96 season. Maximum Hangtime and all of the ports had updated rosters matching the 1996-97 season. And yet again, despite making a magnetic return to the sport at this time, Michael Jordan isn't in the game.

Hangtime is like the pro wrestler Big E; having three players to a team isn't enough, they need five. I honestly think this is the best number of players to have for a Jam game. You have the two best players on the team front and center then you're given three others to offer you some balance to the matches while also giving a nice spotlight to the team's underrated members.

The Genesis and SNES ports have virtually identical rosters. But for some strange reason, Walt Williams and Tim Hardaway of the Miami Heat switch spots between the two versions.

The Genesis and SNES only receive two console exclusive players: Mark Price on the Golden State Warriors and Sedale Threatt on the Los Angeles Lakers.

Maximum Hangtime and the Playstation/Nintendo 64 ports have one big advantage over the previous versions: The three get to bask in the glory that was the 1996 NBA Draft. Instead of doing another Rookies team, the new NBA players are assigned to their proper teams. The big highlights include Kobe Bryant, Allen Iverson, Ray Allen, Stephon Marbury, and Marcus Camby.

Until the PSX/N64 versions rectified it, it's really strange that this game broke the tradition of the Utah Jazz, having John Stockton as player one instead of Karl Malone. Same goes with Sean Elliott over David Robinson for the Spurs.

I honestly can't explain why Allan Houston is cut from the New York Knicks in the PSX/N64 ports in favor of a returning Charles Oakley.

For a third time in a row, Kenny Smith is unplayable in the console versions.

Rockets fans must hate NBA Hangtime to a degree. Their team gets gutted by the time of the PSX/N64 ports.

The Timberwolves also suffer across the versions. Additionally, having Cherokee Parks placed first before Kevin Garnett is completely laughable. I can't take Parks serious at all, largely because his name makes me think of "Cherokee Jack" from Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Vernon Maxwell continues his downward spiral, appearing only in Maximum Hangtime with the Spurs, only to then be immediately replaced by Chuck Person again.

Now onto the teams. To reiterate, I have listed all of the NBA teams that are in the game by their team name, rather than by their city or by what conference they are in. I then list the players in the order that they are sorted in the game. We're now getting into the thick of the issue with the player order of teams. At least nine teams suffer from pointless order swapping, either from the fourth to the fifth console generation or from Maximum Hangtime to the PSX/N64 ports.

As for the rosters for the PC port: It's really hard finding much information on this version. Some of the teams have the the same roster as the Genesis/SNES ports, such as the SuperSonics. However, I do know that it does feature some roster differences, such as how the second player on the Knicks is "Wallace" (either Buck or Herb).


Jerry Stackhouse
Derrick Coleman
Clarence Weatherspoon
Trevor Ruffin
Vernon Maxwell

Jerry Stackhouse
Derrick Coleman
Clarence Weatherspoon
Don MacLean
Rex Walters

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Allen Iverson
Jerry Stackhouse
Derrick Coleman
Clarence Weatherspoon

Jerry Stackhouse
Allen Iverson
Derrick Coleman
Clarence Weatherspoon
Don MacLean


Vin Baker
Glenn Robinson
Shawn Respert
Benoit Benjamin
Sherman Douglas

Vin Baker
Glenn Robinson
Shawn Respert
Andrew Lang
Sherman Douglas

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Vin Baker
Ray Allen
Andrew Lang
Glenn Robinson
Shawn Respert

Glenn Robinson
Vin Baker
Ray Allen
Shawn Respert
Andrew Lang


Juwan Howard
Chris Webber
Calbert Cheaney
Robert Pack
Gheorghe Muresan

Juwan Howard
Chris Webber
Calbert Cheaney
Rod Strickland
Gheorghe Muresan

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Rod Strickland
Chris Webber
Juwan Howard
Gheorghe Muresan
Calbert Cheaney

Chris Webber
Juwan Howard
Calbert Cheaney
Rod Strickland
Gheorghe Muresan


Arcade/Genesis/SNES/Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)/PSX/N64
Scottie Pippen
Dennis Rodman
Toni Kukoc
Luc Longley
Steve Kerr


Arcade/Genesis/SNES/Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)/PSX/N64
Tyrone Hill
Chris Mills
Bobby Phills
Terrell Brandon
Danny Ferry


Dee Brown
Dana Barros
Eric Montross
Dino Radja
Rick Fox

Dee Brown
Dana Barros
Greg Minor
Dino Radja
Rick Fox

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Dee Brown
Steve Hamer
Dana Barros
Dino Radja
Rick Fox

Dee Brown
Dana Barros
Greg Minor
Dino Radja
Antoine Walker


Arcade/Genesis/SNES/Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Loy Vaught
Rodney Rogers
Lamond Murray
Pooh Richardson
Brent Barry

Brent Barry
Malik Sealy
Lorenzen Wright
Pooh Richardson
Rodney Rogers


Greg Anthony
Blue Edwards
Byron Scott
Bryant Reeves
Eric Murdock

Greg Anthony
Blue Edwards
Lee Mayberry
Bryant Reeves
Anthony Peeler

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Greg Anthony
Blue Edwards
Bryant Reeves

Bryant Reeves
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Anthony Peeler
Greg Anthony
Lee Mayberry


Stacey Augmon
Mookie Blaylock
Steve Smith
Christian Laettner
Ken Norman

Dikembe Mutombo
Mookie Blaylock
Steve Smith
Christian Laettner
Ken Norman

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Mookie Blaylock
Dikembe Mutombo
Steve Smith
Christian Laettner
Ken Norman


Alonzo Mourning
Walt Williams
Rex Chapman
Tim Hardaway
Sasha Danilovic

Alonzo Mourning
Walt Williams
Kurt Thomas
Tim Hardaway
Sasha Danilovic

Alonzo Mourning
Tim Hardaway
Kurt Thomas
Walt Williams
Sasha Danilovic

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Alonzo Mourning
Tim Hardaway
Sasha Danilovic

Alonzo Mourning
Tim Hardaway
Dan Majerle
Kurt Thomas
Sasha Danilovic


Kenny Anderson
Larry Johnson
Glen Rice
George Zidek
Dell Curry

Vlade Divac
Anthony Mason
Glen Rice
George Zidek
Dell Curry

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Glen Rice
Anthony Mason
Vlade Divac
George Zidek
Dell Curry


John Stockton
Karl Malone
Jeff Hornacek
David Benoit
Chris Morris

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
John Stockton
Karl Malone
Jeff Hornacek
Chris Morris

Karl Malone
John Stockton
Jeff Hornacek
Chris Morris
Greg Ostertag


Billy Owens
Mitch Richmond
Brian Grant
Sarunas Marciulionis
Tyus Edney

Billy Owens
Mitch Richmond
Brian Grant
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
Tyus Edney

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Billy Owens
Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
Mitch Richmond
Brian Grant
Tyus Edney

Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
Mitch Richmond
Corliss Williamson
Tyus Edney
Billy Owens


Patrick Ewing
Anthony Mason
Derek Harper
Charles Oakley
John Starks

Patrick Ewing
Allan Houston
Larry Johnson
Charles Oakley
John Starks

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Patrick Ewing
John Wallace
Larry Johnson
John Starks
Allan Houston

Patrick Ewing
Larry Johnson
John Starks
Charles Oakley
John Wallace


Nick Van Exel
Vlade Divac
Cedric Ceballos
Elden Campbell
Eddie Jones

Nick Van Exel
Sedale Threatt
Cedric Ceballos
Elden Campbell
Eddie Jones

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Nick Van Exel
Cedric Ceballos
Byron Scott
Elden Campbell
Eddie Jones

Nick Van Exel
Cedric Ceballos
Eddie Jones
Elden Campbell
Kobe Bryant


Penny Hardaway
Horace Grant
Nick Anderson
Dennis Scott
Jon Koncak

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Penny Hardaway
Rony Seikaly
Horace Grant
Nick Anderson
Dennis Scott

Penny Hardaway
Horace Grant
Nick Anderson
Dennis Scott
Rony Seikaly


Jim Jackson
Jason Kidd
Jamal Mashburn
Popeye Jones
George McCloud

Jim Jackson
Jason Kidd
Jamal Mashburn
Eric Montross
George McCloud

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Jason Kidd
Derek Harper
Jim Jackson
Eric Montross
Jamal Mashburn

Jason Kidd
Jim Jackson
Jamal Mashburn
Eric Montross
Stacey King


Kendall Gill
Shawn Bradley
Armon Gilliam
Ed O’Bannon
Kevin Edwards

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Kendall Gill
Kerry Kittles
Robert Pack
Shawn Bradley
Ed O’Bannon
Kevin Edwards

Shawn Bradley
Kendall Gill
Ed O’Bannon
Kerry Kittles
Kevin Edwards


Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf
Dikembe Mutombo
Antonio McDyess
Jalen Rose
Dale Ellis

Mark Jackson
Sarunas Marciulionis
Antonio McDyess
Bryant Stith
Dale Ellis

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Antonio McDyess
Sarunas Marciulionis
Mark Jackson
Dale Ellis

Mark Jackson
Sarunas Marciulionis
Antonio McDyess
Dale Ellis
Bryant Stith


Reggie Miller
Dale Davis
Rik Smits
Derek McKey
Mark Jackson

Reggie Miller
Dale Davis
Rik Smits
Derek McKey
Jalen Rose

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Reggie Miller
Eric Dampier
Jalen Rose
Rik Smits
Dale Davis


Joe Dumars
Grant Hill
Terry Mills
Otis Thorpe
Allan Houston

Joe Dumars
Grant Hill
Terry Mills
Otis Thorpe
Stacey Augmon

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Grant Hill
Joe Dumars
Otis Thorpe
Stacey Augmon

Grant Hill
Stacey Augmon
Joe Dumars
Terry Mills
Otis Thorpe


Carlos Rogers
Damon Stoudamire
Alvin Robertson
Oliver Miller
Tracey Murray

Carlos Rogers
Damon Stoudamire
Alvin Robertson
Popeye Jones
Sharone Wright

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Carlos Rogers
Marcus Camby
Damon Stoudamire
Popeye Jones
Walt Williams

Damon Stoudamire
Marcus Camby
Sharone Wright
Popeye Jones
Carlos Rogers


Hakeem Olajuwon
Clyde Drexler
Robert Horry
Sam Cassell
Kenny Smith

Hakeem Olajuwon
Clyde Drexler
Robert Horry
Sam Cassell
Mario Elie

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Hakeem Olajuwon
Othella Harrington
Clyde Drexler
Kevin Willis

Hakeem Olajuwon
Clyde Drexler
Mario Elie
Brent Price
Sam Mack


Sean Elliott
David Robinson
Avery Johnson
Chuck Person
Vinny Del Negro

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Sean Elliott
David Robinson
Vernon Maxwell
Avery Johnson
Vinny Del Negro

David Robinson
Sean Elliott
Avery Johnson
Chuck Person
Vinny Del Negro


Kevin Johnson
Wayman Tisdale
Danny Manning
Wesley Person
Michael Finley

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Kevin Johnson
Wayman Tisdale
Danny Manning
Robert Horry
Sam Cassell

Kevin Johnson
Michael Finley
Wayman Tisdale
Danny Manning
Sam Cassell


Arcade/Genesis/SNES/Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Shawn Kemp
Gary Payton
Detlef Schrempf
Hersey Hawkins
Sherell Ford

Shawn Kemp
Detlef Schrempf
Gary Payton
Hersey Hawkins
Sherell Ford


Isaiah Rider
Andrew Lang
Spud Webb
Tom Gugliotta
Kevin Garnett

Cherokee Parks
Terry Porter
James Robinson
Tom Gugliotta
Kevin Garnett

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Tom Gugliotta
Stephon Marbury
Kevin Garnett

Cherokee Parks
Kevin Garnett
Terry Porter
Tom Gugliotta
Stephon Marbury

Trail Blazers

Rod Strickland
Cliff Robinson
Arvydas Sabonis
Buck Williams
Randolph Childress

Isaiah Rider
Cliff Robinson
Arvydas Sabonis
Kenny Anderson
Randolph Childress

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Cliff Robinson
Isaiah Rider
Arvydas Sabonis
Kenny Anderson
Randolph Childress

Cliff Robinson
Isaiah Rider
Kenny Anderson
Arvydas Sabonis
Rasheed Wallace


Kevin Willis
Latrell Sprewell
Rony Seikaly
Joe Smith
Chris Mullin

Mark Price
Latrell Sprewell
Rony Seikaly
Joe Smith
Chris Mullin

Arcade (Maximum Hangtime)
Latrell Sprewell
Jon Koncak
Joe Smith
Chris Mullin

Joe Smith
Latrell Sprewell
B.J. Armstrong
Chris Mullin
Jon Koncak