- Alpha 5
To use a popular recent phrase, The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers had a license to print money back in the 1990's. It was a popularity explosion when the original series hit the airwaves and that popularity of course translated into extensive merchandising. Out of all of the swag they sold, the one that always unnerved me were the VHS tapes. Similar to the early marketing strategy of anime, the tapes were released with only one episode on them. Wanted to watch the popular Green Ranger arc? Buy all five tapes, each with enough Power propaganda to make you beg for more. So, when Haim-Saban released a direct-to-video special, you would think that it would be more worthy or, you know, special. Instead, it made you treasure your one episode wonders.

Alpha's Magical Christmas didn't make it to television screens, probably since the holiday element would be a better sell and more profitable. It is a twenty-two minute montage of superficial saccharine and pure boredom. The so-called story is more like a pitch line: Alpha 5 feels lonely on Christmas, hangs out with kids, sends them back home, and is happier. There is no conflict, no struggle, no reason to behold this with our eyes. Why they thought that Alpha 5, the annoying robot sidekick to the Rangers, would be great to watch twenty-two minutes straight is any one's guess. The script does have some great unintentional laughs, such as how Alpha has magic powers to conjure up holiday paraphernalia and how Zordon steals kids out of their homes just to celebrate with Alpha. The latter certainly tells you the popularity of Alpha when a giant hologram has to "arraigned" company for him.

Further showing the paper-thin plot, the vast majority of time is nothing but singing. Throughout the special, you sit through ten full badly arranged Christmas songs superimposed over such entertaining moments such as extensive putting up ornaments, extensive cookie making, and extensive awkward hugging. The fatigue displayed on the faces of the children during these music videos say it all. At several times they cut to the ringing alarm system, as if we are finally going to see the Rangers gymkata against Jack Frost. Alas, the viewer doesn't receive any real entertainment, only the great sight of a Santa Claus whose moustache isn't attached to his face. The great finale consists of Alpha talking with the Green Ranger, Pink Ranger, and Blue Ranger. The other Rangers only receive a brief video message for some reason. And as fake snow falls down inside the Command Center and a clearly embarrassed Jason David Frank croons to the viewer, the video finally ends.

This "special" is a giant black-eye to Power Rangers fans and it really shows how entertainment companies can sell anything. Just to further torment the followers, the video is both in continuity and a mess of it by alluding to the infamous "peace conference" and having Jason in his Green suit instead of his White Ranger outfit. But probably the most stupidest decision is to not involve the lovable bullies Bulk and Skull. That would actually make the money worth it.
TOMORROW'S ENTRY: We head to a mythical realm that has the power to make you buy more toys.
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