Thursday, July 16, 2009

Comic Book Reviews: "Blackest Night" Commences

Blackest Night #1

My first impression of this highly anticipated event comic was mostly disappointment. But, upon repeated readings, the issue became more enjoyable and worth the hype. The disappointment may have to do with my expectations after Green Lantern #43, which was a great issue and a great prologue. I just didn't expect nor wanted another prologue to be lay down further foundation with this event.

Geoff Johns creates a well-structured script by having it begin with the study of human despair and relationships. It looks at how the superheroes and normal citizens are able to persevere over the death and destruction they live with. After a considerable focus on it, the tension of the Black Lanterns is introduced with the discovery of Bruce Wayne's grave being desecrated. What follows afterwards is left to be read.

The slow build of the script may have annoyed me at first but it's a good way to start rather than having a Michael Bay opening. The constant look at selected heroes' problems dealing with the deaths of fellow friends and colleagues makes them stand out and creates an expectation for the reader to see them continue. With this issue, I do want to look up the history of Damage and Atom Smasher and hope that Johns returns to them in the future. Though Hal Jordan is largely the main character, one of the surprise protagonists for this event is Barry Allen. Though I didn't like his return thanks to "Final Crisis", his struggle with the deaths of Firestorm and the Dibnys is effective.

While we get to see who becomes a Black Lantern, none of them stand out or given some spotlight except for a couple of them. Two special ones, who are revealed in the violent ending, are very frightening due to the great artwork. Black Hand sadly doesn't do too much except acting as an Emperor Palpatine-like figure.

The only strong negative for this comic is a moment before The Flash sees who had died after his own death. A new addition room underneath the Justice League building is revealed that had me say out loud, "Oh, come on!" It is such a dumb idea since it obviously will play into the plot later and is just stupid for the League to have.

With the slow burn plot and the gory coda, this issue really makes the event to be as great as everyone has expected it to be. Hopefully, the crew doesn't drop the momentum later on and keeps up the excitement.


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