Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Trailer Review - Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic The Hedgehog (2019)
Official Trailer
Watch It Here

Person of Interest: Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic, Jim Carrey as Dr. Robotnik, James Marsden as a sheriff in Green Hills (Get It?!), Tika Sumpter as some lady, and Neal McDonough as Major "Nobody Cares" Bennington.

Scene Pop: That first backside shot of Sonic. Dear lord.

Effective?: Oh no, no, no. Not taking the massive thumbs down rating it is receiving into account, this trailer is just terrible all around and deserves to be used as an example on how not to market a film. Firstly, why is it set to Coolio's "Gangsta's Paradise"? The dark beat of the song absolutely doesn't match up with the poor preschool level humor on display nor heightens any of the other scenes, all of which look so poorly crafted that it makes the movie look like an Asylum joint. Then you have the awful decision to show Sonic in all of his disturbing glory up front. His body is so badly misshapen, the human teeth is just plain weird, and the face looks dreadful when he's not doing the famed Sonic tude stare. Oh, and who can forget the pitiful trailer stinger, which straight up spoils the film's ending and reassures fans that Dr. Robotnik will be bald and eventually head into Sonic's world to reek future havoc. And who the hell came up with the idea of Sonic's fur being electrified and the golden rings now being teleportation devices?

Check it Out?: A definite no. Even the diehard fans that have been a persistent online scourge will not venture out to see it. However, I will see it due to my love for bad movies and my personal history with the video game character. I used to be a very big Sonic fan back when I was a kid and I still have an affinity for the animated shows and the Archie comic book run. But man, this will be a tough sit. Seriously, who the hell came up with the idea of Sonic's fur being electrified and the golden rings being able to make portals?

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