Django Unchained
1st Trailer
Watch It Here
Person of Interest: A disheveled and dangerous Jamie Foxx, smiling bounty hunter Christoph Waltz, a cameoing James Remar, and sniveling master pimp Leonardo DiCaprio.
Scene Pop: Cotton field stained by spilled blood.
Briggs Breakdown: 14 confirmed kills, 9 shots fired, 3 racist posses, numerous shots of horse-riding, a giant cart explosion, a whipping, and one glorious coconut goblet.
Effective?: Yes, it easily explains the film's story and tone. To be fair to the Great Gatsby trailer, it could have lost points for using modern songs, including a James Brown song just used in the Savages trailer, but they matches up with the racial overtones and the film looks to be another Inglourious Basterds/Tarantino revisionist tale.
Check it Out?: Indubitably. Whether you love or hate him, a new Tarantino film is a big movie event. As stated, the film looks to be another Inglourious Basterds, a film that I wasn't completely wowed at the theaters with but is now slowly moving higher in my favor. I am wary of the Christmas time release though. That business maneuver sadly didn't do The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo any favors and with this big pipe-bomb of a movie, it might blow right in the Weinsteins' faces.

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