Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trailer Review - Alex Cross

Alex Cross
1st Trailer
Watch It Here

Person of Interest: Tyler Perry and his super-serial face, Matthew Fox as the more intriguing, campy serial killer, and Dr. Cox himself (John C. McGinley) as the Chief of Police, complete with customary exposition-laden jacket.

Scene Pop: "How are you going to convince me to leave Detroit?"

Briggs Breakdown: 3 destroyed cars, 1 blown-up conference room, 1 car crash, 1 pull-up, a fight in a decaying theater, wannabe UFC-fu, use of a RPG, rampant criminal mind camera-shaking, and rampant dubstep.

Effective?: If you mean for a film airing Sunday night on CBS, then I guess you can say yes.

Check it Out?: Ha ha ha, ha ha ha. Give that trailer editor the ten thousand dollars! This has to be the funniest "comedy" film of the year. Let's list everything hilarious/wrong: The "Detroit" line, Perry's flat joke delivery, the overall low budget quality of it all, Perry's flat serious delivery, that abysmal dubbed-in line, the "Don't Ever Cross Alex Cross" tagline, that awful badly rendered, puke green rocket explosion, Tyler Perry in general, and the fact they used dubstep in a serious manner. Film news followers already knew this film wouldn't end well, when Idris Elba stepped down from the project and Perry stepped up, and this trailer proves it. Except for Fox, who looks to be having a grand ole time, this is all just hokey malarkey.

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